
To ease pinning of requirements, Inyoka uses pip-tools.

An requirements file has to be generated for each environment. According to the pip-tools documentation an environment is “the combination of Operating System, Python version (2.7, 3.6, etc.), and Python implementation (CPython, PyPy, etc.)”

Generate requirement files

To generate requirement files for your used python version run

python generate_requirements

The production dependencies are defined in pyproject.toml. It also contains the development dependencies via a dev extra.

To update all packages run

python generate_requirements --upgrade

To update a specific package (in this example django) run

python generate_requirements --upgrade django

Generate for multiple python versions

A docker compose file exists to generate the requirements for all python versions Inyoka supports.

If needed adjust the variables INYOKA_GID and INYOKA_UID in build-requirements.yml. These variables define the user and group id of the generated requirement files. Adjust to your needs, if your user uses different IDs.

To start the build procedure, run the following command:

docker compose --file build-requirements.yml up

After the command terminated, you can review and commit all the generated requirement files.

Installation of packages

See Installation.