The wiki application. The wiki is inspired by the MoinMoin wiki engine but uses a database rather than the plain filesystem. This has the big advantage that it doesn’t cause IO load on the server. The database layout is inspired by MediaWiki.
The Wiki Syntax is implemented and described in inyoka.markup and also used by other applications in the inyoka package. Most important is that contrary to MoinMoin the parser produces nodes of the input text which that know how to render their contents into multiple output formats such as HTML and probably others in the future.
The views are pretty nonexistent, in fact there is only one view which dispatches the actions and a second view to redirect from the url index to the main page. A third view is always rendered if an action does not exist or an action wants to display something like a missing page but without giving users the possiblity to render a missing page. (See also the urls module which just defines two url rules).
The data models are encapsulated that most of them are available from the Page model when queried from the special query methods on the PageManager. For more details have a look at the documentation.
- acl
Uses the storage module to manage wiki privileges and provides functions and decorators to test for them.
- actions
The wiki actions (show, edit, …) the wiki provides. Actions change the way a page object is rendered or manipulated. This approach is derived from the MoinMoin system.
- forms
Holds django forms used in the wiki system. (For example the page edit form)
- macros
The abstract macro types and concrete implementations thereof. Used directly by the parser.
- models
The database models the wiki users. This part of the documentation is especially useful for the template designers because it covers the objects mainly passed to the template rendering context.
- parser
The parsing system used in the wiki and other components.
- parsers
The parsers for the parser blocks. Do not confuse this with the parser package which implements the wiki parser as such.
- storage
The wiki storage system allows one to flag pages as behaving in a special way. For example a page can act as inter wiki link mapping which the wiki will then automatically parse and add to the wiki configuration. In fact most of the stuff that is configurable in the wiki is specified as wiki storage.
- urls
The url definitions for the wiki. Not so interesting because we just map urls directly to pagenames.
- utils
Various utility functions and classes the wiki uses. This for example holds the methods that validate page names, render udiffs etc.
- views
Rather simple view functions that dispatch to the appropriate actions.
- copyright:
2007-2025 by the Inyoka Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
- license:
BSD, see LICENSE for more details.