Markup Transformers


This module holds ast transformers we use. Transformers can assume that they always operate on complete trees, thus the outermost node is always a container node.

Transformers are not necessarily the last thing that processes a tree. For example macros that are marked as tree processors and have have their stage attribute set to ‘final’ are expanded after all the transformers finished their job.

  1. 2007-2025 by the Inyoka Team, see AUTHORS for more details.


BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.AutomaticParagraphs

This transformer is enabled per default and wraps elements in paragraphs. All macros and parsers depend on this parser so it’s a terrible idea to disable this one.


This function joins multiple text nodes that follow each other into one.


Insert real paragraphs into the node and return it.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.AutomaticStructure

This transformer adds additional structure information. Each headline adds either a new section or subsection depending on its level.


This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.FootnoteSupport

Looks for footnote nodes, gives them a unique id and moves the text to the bottom into a list. Without this translator footnotes are just <small>ed and don’t have an id.


This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.HeadlineProcessor

This transformer looks at all headlines and makes sure that every ID is unique. If one id clashes with another headline ID a numeric suffix is added. What this transformer does not do is resolving clashes with footnotes or other references. At least not by now because such clashes are very unlikely.


This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.KeyHandler

Removes unused paragraphs around key templates.

transform(tree, nested=False)

This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.SmileyInjector

Adds smilies from the configuration.


A two char ASCII string (country_code) will be converted to two regional indicator symbols. Most browsers will display these regional indicators as flags. See


As DEFAULT_TRANSFORMERS instances this class and it’s passed around, this property will be cached until the python process dies.

smilies = {'# 8)': '😎', '# <8-} ': 'css-class:icon-frog-xmas', '--': '–', '->': '→', '8-)': '😎', '8-o': '😲', '8-}': '🐸', ':!:': '❗', ':(': '☹', ':)': '☺', ':-$': '😳', ':-(': '☹', ':-)': '☺', ':->': '😊', ':-?': '😕', ':-D': '😀', ':-O': '😮', ':-P': '😛', ':-[]': '😬', ':-o': '😮', ':-x': '😠', ':-|': '😐', ':?': '😕', ':?:': '❓', ':???:': '⁇', ':D': '😀', ':P': '😛', ':[]': '😬', ':arrow:': '▶', ':backarrow:': '◀', ':cool:': '😎', ':cry:': '😢', ':eek:': '😮', ':ente:': '🦆', ':grin:': '😀', ':idea:': '💡', ':lol:': '🤣', ':mad:': '😠', ':mrgreen:': '😀', ':neutral:': '😐', ':o': '😮', ':oops:': '😳', ':razz:': '😛', ':roll:': '🙄', ':sad:': '☹', ':shock:': '😲', ':smile:': '☺', ':thumbsup:': '👍', ':tux:': 'css-class:icon-tux', ':wink:': '😉', ':x': '😠', ':|': '😐', ';)': '😉', ';-(': '😢', ';-)': '😉', '<-': '←', '<3': '♥', '<=': '⇐', '=>': '⇒', 'O:-)': '😇', ']:-(': '👿', ']:-)': '😈', '{*}': 'css-class:icon-ubuntu', '{dl}': '⮷', '{g}': 'css-class:icon-ubuntugnome', '{k}': 'css-class:icon-kubuntu', '{l}': 'css-class:icon-lubuntu', '{ma}': 'css-class:icon-ubuntumate', '{m}': 'css-class:icon-mythbuntu', '{ut}': 'css-class:icon-ubuntutouch', '{x}': 'css-class:icon-xubuntu', '{Übersicht}': 'css-class:icon-overview', '§)': '🤓'}

This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.

class inyoka.markup.transformers.Transformer

Baseclass for all transformers.


This is passed a tree that should be processed. A class can modify a tree in place, the return value has to be the tree then. Otherwise, it’s safe to return a new tree.