Utils Html
This module implements various HTML/XHTML utility functions. Some parts of this module require the lxml and html5lib libraries.
- copyright:
2007-2025 by the Inyoka Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
- license:
BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
- class inyoka.utils.html.CleanupFilter(source, id_prefix=None, update_anchor_links=False)
A simple filter that replaces XHTML deprecated elements with others.
- end_tags = {'center': 'span', 'font': 'span', 'menu': 'ul', 'strike': 'del', 'u': 'span'}
- tag_conversions = {'center': ('span', 'text-align: center'), 'menu': ('ul', None), 'strike': ('del', None), 'u': ('span', 'text-decoration: underline')}
- walk(id_map, deferred_links)
- class inyoka.utils.html.XHTMLSerializer(**kwargs)
- escape_lt_in_attrs = True
- escape_rcdata = True
- minimize_boolean_attributes = False
- omit_optional_tags = False
- quote_attr_values = 'always'
- use_trailing_solidus = True
- inyoka.utils.html._build_html_tag(tag, attrs)
Build an HTML opening tag.
- inyoka.utils.html._handle_match(match)
- inyoka.utils.html.build_html_tag(tag, class_=None, classes=None, **attrs)
Build an HTML opening tag.
- inyoka.utils.html.cleanup_html(string, sanitize=True, fragment=True, stream=False, filter_optional_tags=False, id_prefix=None, update_anchor_links=True, make_xhtml=False)
Clean up some html and convert it to HTML/XHTML.
- inyoka.utils.html.html_entities = {'AElig': 198, 'Aacute': 193, 'Acirc': 194, 'Agrave': 192, 'Alpha': 913, 'Aring': 197, 'Atilde': 195, 'Auml': 196, 'Beta': 914, 'Ccedil': 199, 'Chi': 935, 'Dagger': 8225, 'Delta': 916, 'ETH': 208, 'Eacute': 201, 'Ecirc': 202, 'Egrave': 200, 'Epsilon': 917, 'Eta': 919, 'Euml': 203, 'Gamma': 915, 'Iacute': 205, 'Icirc': 206, 'Igrave': 204, 'Iota': 921, 'Iuml': 207, 'Kappa': 922, 'Lambda': 923, 'Mu': 924, 'Ntilde': 209, 'Nu': 925, 'OElig': 338, 'Oacute': 211, 'Ocirc': 212, 'Ograve': 210, 'Omega': 937, 'Omicron': 927, 'Oslash': 216, 'Otilde': 213, 'Ouml': 214, 'Phi': 934, 'Pi': 928, 'Prime': 8243, 'Psi': 936, 'Rho': 929, 'Scaron': 352, 'Sigma': 931, 'THORN': 222, 'Tau': 932, 'Theta': 920, 'Uacute': 218, 'Ucirc': 219, 'Ugrave': 217, 'Upsilon': 933, 'Uuml': 220, 'Xi': 926, 'Yacute': 221, 'Yuml': 376, 'Zeta': 918, 'aacute': 225, 'acirc': 226, 'acute': 180, 'aelig': 230, 'agrave': 224, 'alefsym': 8501, 'alpha': 945, 'amp': 38, 'and': 8743, 'ang': 8736, 'apos': 39, 'aring': 229, 'asymp': 8776, 'atilde': 227, 'auml': 228, 'bdquo': 8222, 'beta': 946, 'brvbar': 166, 'bull': 8226, 'cap': 8745, 'ccedil': 231, 'cedil': 184, 'cent': 162, 'chi': 967, 'circ': 710, 'clubs': 9827, 'cong': 8773, 'copy': 169, 'crarr': 8629, 'cup': 8746, 'curren': 164, 'dArr': 8659, 'dagger': 8224, 'darr': 8595, 'deg': 176, 'delta': 948, 'diams': 9830, 'divide': 247, 'eacute': 233, 'ecirc': 234, 'egrave': 232, 'empty': 8709, 'emsp': 8195, 'ensp': 8194, 'epsilon': 949, 'equiv': 8801, 'eta': 951, 'eth': 240, 'euml': 235, 'euro': 8364, 'exist': 8707, 'fnof': 402, 'forall': 8704, 'frac12': 189, 'frac14': 188, 'frac34': 190, 'frasl': 8260, 'gamma': 947, 'ge': 8805, 'gt': 62, 'hArr': 8660, 'harr': 8596, 'hearts': 9829, 'hellip': 8230, 'iacute': 237, 'icirc': 238, 'iexcl': 161, 'igrave': 236, 'image': 8465, 'infin': 8734, 'int': 8747, 'iota': 953, 'iquest': 191, 'isin': 8712, 'iuml': 239, 'kappa': 954, 'lArr': 8656, 'lambda': 955, 'lang': 9001, 'laquo': 171, 'larr': 8592, 'lceil': 8968, 'ldquo': 8220, 'le': 8804, 'lfloor': 8970, 'lowast': 8727, 'loz': 9674, 'lrm': 8206, 'lsaquo': 8249, 'lsquo': 8216, 'lt': 60, 'macr': 175, 'mdash': 8212, 'micro': 181, 'middot': 183, 'minus': 8722, 'mu': 956, 'nabla': 8711, 'nbsp': 160, 'ndash': 8211, 'ne': 8800, 'ni': 8715, 'not': 172, 'notin': 8713, 'nsub': 8836, 'ntilde': 241, 'nu': 957, 'oacute': 243, 'ocirc': 244, 'oelig': 339, 'ograve': 242, 'oline': 8254, 'omega': 969, 'omicron': 959, 'oplus': 8853, 'or': 8744, 'ordf': 170, 'ordm': 186, 'oslash': 248, 'otilde': 245, 'otimes': 8855, 'ouml': 246, 'para': 182, 'part': 8706, 'permil': 8240, 'perp': 8869, 'phi': 966, 'pi': 960, 'piv': 982, 'plusmn': 177, 'pound': 163, 'prime': 8242, 'prod': 8719, 'prop': 8733, 'psi': 968, 'quot': 34, 'rArr': 8658, 'radic': 8730, 'rang': 9002, 'raquo': 187, 'rarr': 8594, 'rceil': 8969, 'rdquo': 8221, 'real': 8476, 'reg': 174, 'rfloor': 8971, 'rho': 961, 'rlm': 8207, 'rsaquo': 8250, 'rsquo': 8217, 'sbquo': 8218, 'scaron': 353, 'sdot': 8901, 'sect': 167, 'shy': 173, 'sigma': 963, 'sigmaf': 962, 'sim': 8764, 'spades': 9824, 'sub': 8834, 'sube': 8838, 'sum': 8721, 'sup': 8835, 'sup1': 185, 'sup2': 178, 'sup3': 179, 'supe': 8839, 'szlig': 223, 'tau': 964, 'there4': 8756, 'theta': 952, 'thetasym': 977, 'thinsp': 8201, 'thorn': 254, 'tilde': 732, 'times': 215, 'trade': 8482, 'uArr': 8657, 'uacute': 250, 'uarr': 8593, 'ucirc': 251, 'ugrave': 249, 'uml': 168, 'upsih': 978, 'upsilon': 965, 'uuml': 252, 'weierp': 8472, 'xi': 958, 'yacute': 253, 'yen': 165, 'yuml': 255, 'zeta': 950, 'zwj': 8205, 'zwnj': 8204}
a dict of html entities to codepoints. This includes the problematic ' character.
- inyoka.utils.html.parse_html(string, fragment=True)
Parse a tagsoup into a tree. Currently this tree is a html5lib simpletree because of a bug in lxml2 or html5lib. We will switch to etree sooner or later so do not use this function until this is solved. For cleaning up markup you can use the cleanup_html function.
- inyoka.utils.html.replace_entities(string)
Replace HTML entities in a string:
>>> replace_entities('foo & bar » foo') u'foo & bar \xbb foo'
- inyoka.utils.html.striptags(string)
Remove HTML tags from a string.