Utils Test
Various utilities and helpers that improve our unittest experience.
- copyright:
2007-2025 by the Inyoka Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
- license:
BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
- class inyoka.utils.test.AntiSpamTestCaseMixin
- make_mark_ham()
- make_mark_spam()
- make_spam()
- make_valid_key()
- class inyoka.utils.test.InyokaClient(enforce_csrf_checks=False, host=None, **defaults)
In order to change the requesting host, use:
client.defaults['HTTP_HOST'] = 'url.example.com'
- login(**credentials)
Try to authenticate a user with username and password.
- Parameters:
- Raise:
- User.DoesNotExist
If the user with username does not exist
If the found user is banned
- Returns:
in case the described user can be logged in, and is active,False
- class inyoka.utils.test.TestCase(methodName='runTest')
Default TestCase for all Inyoka tests.
Deletes the content cache after each run.
- _classSetupFailed = False
- _class_cleanups = []
- _msg_not_null_constraint(relation: str, column: str) str
If you want to check the message of an IntegrityError with self.assertRaisesMessage, the messages differ between database backends. This method helps to act as an abstraction layer.
- Example for the parameters: In the app ikhaya, the model Article and the field text:
the relation is ikhaya_article.text and
the column text
- _msg_unique_constraint(constraint_name: str) str
If you want to check the message of an IntegrityError with self.assertRaisesMessage, the messages differ between database backends. This method helps to act as an abstraction layer.
- _post_teardown()
Flush cache
- assertXMLEqual(xml1, xml2, msg=None)
Prettify comparison of two XML strings
- inyoka.utils.test.profile_memory(func)